
Now More than Ever Lockers are a Part of the Workplace

Jul 20, 2022

The pandemic has uprooted many plans, jobs, and livelihoods. Public health has become the priority with the urge for remote and hybrid work, more independent living environments, and thorough sanitation methods. As social distancing measures rise, so does the pressure for universities and office buildings to keep everyone safe. Having your own space, such as a locker or smart locker, to store your belongings reduces the spread of germs while maintaining a sense of normalcy.

As more organizations return employees to the office, lockers are more in demand than ever. Secure spaces to store personal belongings are crucial to providing cleaner, more hygienic, and streamlined workspaces in a pandemic-afflicted world.

For organizations adopting hybrid working policies or without assigned seating, it is relevant to include lockers in the workplace. Lockers are designed to reduce the clutter in a workplace, making it appear clean.

As many know, the locker concept is hardly a new one. Lockers have been used in many larger organizations, clubs, schools, and more for decades. In manufacturing and healthcare sectors, lockers are a given, and now we see lockers being adopted by smaller organizations and different sectors.

But the 2022 locker is different from its predecessors in two fundamental ways.

With the new, modern aesthetics of the 2022 locker, they are now seen fully integrated into office design and playing an essential role in how workplaces are presented. Lockers are no longer banished to cloakrooms or basements but are a firmly established design of the front office landscape. See our for inspiration.

Secondly, these new-gen lockers have got some severe tech installed. Forget about your local leisure center鈥檚 fifty pence slot variety.

The latest locking technology comes from intelligent lock software, which removes the frustration of key management, eye-catching presence, and lack of security.

They act as a great tool to control access, limit contact, and allow for personalized features to be added. Hard-wired locking systems can be configured to permit and deny access for users and switch the control of the locker from private, to the public, to sharing mode when required. This feature is excellent for shared office spaces and allows cleaning and fighting off viruses or stubborn germs left behind. All stations are accessible from one device due to this control function. Checking the usage of the lock, occupancy monitoring, and optimization is available with many of the hard-wired locking systems. When put away, this maintenance-free system can be set with alarm security to protect personal belongings.

With control tablets from anywhere worldwide, certain locks can be linked to real-time smart locking wireless networks and controlled on your device via an app.

Permitting companies to manage and update security access surrounding their buildings as required, staff cards are highly beneficial. Staff members can enter the building, book meeting rooms, operate lifts, open offices, and personal access lockers using staff cards and a hard-wired system. Controlling these functions through a staff card means fewer touch points throughout the workplace and a decreased risk of contamination.

Lockers fitted with intelligent locks are becoming a vital part of the new normal at many organizations. With hard-wired locking systems risk of contamination is decreased, and cleaning becomes effortless, all while presenting an innovative and polished workspace.

After having limited face-to-face time with colleagues, returning to the office has become more social than ever, but having personal space is key to giving a sense of belonging.

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