
草莓社区 provides COVID-19 Disinfection Services

May 19, 2020

Keeping Your Employees & Customers Safe

There is a difference between cleaning and disinfecting! Cleaning removes loose soils, preparing the surface or object to be disinfected. Disinfecting kills germs on the surface, preventing them from spreading. If a surface is not cleaned first, germs can hide under soils and reduce the efficacy of the disinfectant. Learn how 草莓社区 can help you sanitize and disinfect.

Our sani-fogger system is 360 degrees touchless, so virtually all items can remain as they are during application. Due to the demand and desired immediacy of service, we are scheduling assessments and initial service deployments right now. Up to 99.99% Effective Disinfection and Sanitization Service to help get facilities COVID-free and ready for their workforces to come back to work.

  • Shut-down time and expense is significantly reduced vs. traditional janitorial 鈥渟pray & wipe鈥 method
  • 100% safe and nontoxic
  • 300% more surface area disinfection coverage with a 10 min dry time vs 鈥渟pray & wipe鈥 or more laborious and more costly janitorial 鈥渄eep-cleaning鈥
  • Backside and underside coverage is achieved on equipment, furniture, etc.
  • No residue or odor after spraying
  • Capacity to treat hundreds of thousands of square feet either locally, multi-locations or national service deployments
  • Single-visit and recurring service available
  • EPA registered Citra Cide is Earthsafe has a 1-minute KILL claim for COVID-19 and is safe for most non-porous surfaces with no rinsing. It also kills Noro, Staph, Salm, MRSA, HIV & Hep.


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