Ministry Opportunities
Ministry Opportunities at the Chapel
A great way to serve God and the Church as well as build community on campus is by volunteering to be a lay liturgical minister or a musician during Mass. Campus Ministry offers many opportunities to help lead the assembly during Mass, whether it is as a lector or a cantor, etc. No experience is necessary, and trainings are scheduled at the beginning of each semester. For more information about ways to get involved at Madonna della Strada Chapel, see below.
If you would like to volunteer at the Water Tower Campus, please contact Fr. Jerry Overbeck, S.J. at
If you would like to volunteer at the Health Sciences Campus, please contact Ann Hillman at
If you are interested in getting involved with a variety of other programs in Campus Ministry, please fill out this .
Lectors (Readers)
Lectors proclaim the Word of God to the assembly so that the faithful may hear and respond to God’s Word during Mass and throughout their lives. Using proper diction and public speaking techniques, lectors enable the liturgical assembly to listen attentively to Sacred Scripture and to have a love for it.
- Fully initiated (Confirmed) Catholic.
- Strong, clear voice.
- Review the readings at home prior to your scheduled Mass.
- Wear dress shoes and clothing that is appropriate to the sacred liturgy (“Sunday best”).
- A sense of reverence and proper decorum.
- Complete a training session.
- Previous experience in public speaking is helpful but not mandatory.
- Proclaim the readings from Sacred Scripture, with the exception of the Gospel.
- Announce the intentions for the Prayer of the Faithful on Sundays.
- Lead the Responsorial Psalm between the readings on weekdays.
For more information contact ,
Extra-ordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Although the ordinary ministers of the Eucharist are priests and deacons, lay people (both men and women) may be commissioned to assist in the distribution of Communion.
- Baptized and Confirmed Roman Catholic.
- Regularly receive the Eucharist.
- Exemplary Christian character, committed to the faith, and devoted to the Eucharist.
- Demonstrated interest and involvement in the community's life.
- Wear dress shoes and clothing that is appropriate to the sacred liturgy (“Sunday best”).
- Understanding of particular responsibilities during Mass.
- A sense of reverence and proper decorum.
- Complete a training session.
- Mandate from the Archdiocese of Chicago.
According to the directives of the Archdiocese of Chicago, all prospective extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist must be mandated (certified) by the Archdiocese. To complete the requirements of this certification, you must attend an hour long meeting which includes a brief outline of the Church's teaching about the Eucharist. These training sessions will be scheduled during the first few weeks for the semester.
- Assisting the priest in distributing the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ to the faithful during Mass.
- Reverently placing the sacred vessels and linens on the credence table after the distribution of Communion.
- Consuming any of the Precious Blood of Christ that may remain after Communion.
For more information contact ,
Altar Servers
Servers assist the priest during Mass and enhance the solemnity of the liturgy by carrying the crucifix, candlesticks, and censer during processions. Since servers are lay people who are carrying out specific functions during the liturgy, their participation helps reveal that the liturgy is the work of the entire people of God.
- Practicing Catholic.
- Willingness to give faithful service to God and the Christian people.
- Wear dress shoes and clothing that is appropriate to the sacred liturgy (“Sunday best”).
- Understanding of particular responsibilities during Mass.
- A sense of reverence and proper decorum.
- Complete a training session.
An altar server's duties are:
- Carrying the processional cross, candles, and on occasion, the censer during processions.
- Placing the sacred vessels, linens, and the bread and wine on the altar.
- Assisting the priest when he receives the gifts and when he washes his hands.
- Taking the sacred vessels and linens from altar and placing them on the credence table after Communion.
For more information or to schedule a training session, please contact ,
As the first person most worshippers see when they gather for Mass, greeters welcome people to the liturgical assembly and give them the information necessary for them to actively participate in the liturgy. Greeters help to welcome others and to respond to minor emergencies during the liturgy.
- Arrive at least fifteen minutes before Mass
- Welcome worshippers and distribute the orders of service
- Take up the monetary collection
- Respond to minor emergencies as they arise
- Check the seating area after Mass and discard any refuse
For more information contact ,
Choirs and Ensembles
The Schola Cantorum sings weekly at the 10:30 a.m. Mass and presents uplifting and musically challenging repertoire from the church's rich history of choral music. Membership in this choir is open to all, but students have prioroty when spots are open. Students are able to take this choir for credit as course MUSC 108. The Schola Cantorum rehearses weekly during the academic year. There are two requirements for membership: (1) Commitment to weekly rehearsal and Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass. (2) A vocal audition with the director.
"THE9" sings at the Sunday evening Mass at 9:00p.m. This group was founded by Lisa Sroka, BA ’13, in the fall of 2012 and is student coordinated. It is comprised of students, faculty, and staff praying a contemporary style of music accompanied by various instruments. The ensemble and choir rehearses at 8:00p.m. in MDS Chapel. There are no requirements for membership for singers. Instrumentalists audition for membership.
The Emmanuel Choir sings for Taizé Prayer on Wednesday evenings. Rehearsal is at 7:30 p.m. in MDS Chapel and prayer begins at 8:00 p.m. when classes are in session. No audition is required and singers make no weekly commitment so we invite you to join us as your schedule allows. Instrumentalists are needed as well and all music is supplied.
For more information, contact Peter Morey,
Cantors come from the choirs and ensembles that sing in the chapel. If you have cantored in your parish we encourage you to inquire about cantoring in Madonna della Strada Chapel.
For more information, contact Peter Morey,
Working behind the scenes, sacristans prepare the liturgical books, sacred vessels, and vestments for Mass. Since their work is guided by the liturgical year and liturgical documents, sacristans grow in their personal appreciation of the seasons of the liturgical year and the sacramental basis of Catholic liturgy.
- Current Loyola student
- Superior organizational skills.
- An eye for detail.
- Interest in the liturgy.
- Set out the sacred vessels, vestments, linens, and the bread and wine for mass.
- Mark the liturgical books at the proper place for each liturgy.
- Clean the sacred vessels after Mass.
- Care for the altar and vigil candles.
- Set up seasonal decorations.
For more information contact ,
Liturgical Ministers' Schedule
To see the current schedule, please click here to access the . You will need a username and password to volunteer for ministries and update your service preferences and contact information.
If you have lost your username and password or if you have problems logging onto the site, please contact ,
Ministry Opportunities at the Chapel
A great way to serve God and the Church as well as build community on campus is by volunteering to be a lay liturgical minister or a musician during Mass. Campus Ministry offers many opportunities to help lead the assembly during Mass, whether it is as a lector or a cantor, etc. No experience is necessary, and trainings are scheduled at the beginning of each semester. For more information about ways to get involved at Madonna della Strada Chapel, see below.
If you would like to volunteer at the Water Tower Campus, please contact Fr. Jerry Overbeck, S.J. at
If you would like to volunteer at the Health Sciences Campus, please contact Ann Hillman at
If you are interested in getting involved with a variety of other programs in Campus Ministry, please fill out this .
Liturgical Ministers' Schedule
To see the current schedule, please click here to access the . You will need a username and password to volunteer for ministries and update your service preferences and contact information.
If you have lost your username and password or if you have problems logging onto the site, please contact ,