
Ballicora, Miguel

Title/s:  Professor
Department Chair

Office #:  FH-125

Phone: 773.508.7045

Email: mballic@luc.edu


Pharm.D., 1987, , Argentina
Ph.D., 1993, Leloir Institute, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Postdoctoral, 1993-2000,
Assistant Professor (Research), 2000-2005, Michigan State University

Research Interests

Starch & Enzyme Evolution

Our research focuses on the enzymes of the synthesis of glycogen in bacteria, and starch in plants, with a particular interest in their molecular evolution. These metabolic pathways are excellent candidates to study evolution of molecular function. They are related and developed early in evolution. In addition, they are regulated and composed by few enzymes. We intend to find how regulation appeared and evolved in this pathway, how catalysis was modified, and how specificity for substrates originated. We use molecular modeling, phylogenetic analysis, protein chemistry, enzyme kinetics, and recombinant DNA technology to address these questions.

Our projects are very important not only for the basic knowledge of the evolution of these pathways, but also for more immediate purposes. Starch is the most abundant energy storage compound used by plants and determines the yield of important crops. A deeper knowledge of the enzymes of this pathway allows the rational manipulation of starch production. There is an increasing interest in this field because of its impact. The fruits of this basic science would serve to attack a critical problem of mankind: malnutrition. Funded by National Science Foundation Grants MCB 0615982 and MCB 1024945.

Courses Taught

Selected Publications

Current Publications via

Hill BL, Mascarenhas R, Patel HP, Asencion Diez MD, Wu R, Iglesias AA, Liu D, Ballicora MA. (2019) "" J Biol Chem.  294 (4): 1338-1348

Bhayani JA, Hill BL, Sharma A, Iglesias AA, Olsen KW, Ballicora MA.  (2019) ""  Front Mol Biosci. 6: 89.

Ferrero DML, Asencion Diez MD, Kuhn ML, Falaschetti CA, Piattoni CV, Iglesias AA, Ballicora MA. (2018) "" Front Plant Sci. 9: 1498.

Figueroa CM, Kuhn ML, Hill BL, Iglesias AA, Ballicora MA. (2018) "" Front Plant Sci. 9:1564.

 Kuhn, M.L., Figueroa C.M., Aleanzi, M., Olsen, K.W., Iglesias, A.A., and Ballicora, M.A. (2010) "", Biochem. Mol. Biol. Ed., 38: 370-379.