



Kyra Rudy, PhD

Title/s:  Instructor

Office #:  470 Crown Center

Phone: 773-508-8309

Email: krudy@luc.edu


Kyra Rudy received a Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from Cleveland State University in Cleveland, OH and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Northwestern University in Evanston, IL. Dr. Rudy’s PhD specialization was dynamics and control, and her thesis was entitled “Assessment and Assistance for Dynamic and Safety-Critical Human Motion.”

Selected Publications

  1. Kalinowska, M. Schlafly, K. Rudy, J. P. Dewald, T. D. Murphey (2022). Measuring Interaction Bandwidth During Physical Human-Robot Collaboration. Robotics and Automation Letters.
  2. Kalinowska, K. Rudy, M. Schlafly, K. Fitzsimons, J. Dewald, T. D. Murphey (2020). Shoulder Abduction Loading Affects Motor Coordination in Individuals with Chronic Stroke, Informing Targeted Rehabilitation. IEEE RAS/EMBS Int. Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics.
  3. D. Wolf, N. Dunkelberger, C. McDonald, K. Rudy, M. O’Malley, C. Beck, E. Schearer (2017). Combining Functional Electrical Stimulation and a Powered Exoskeleton to Control Elbow Flexion. The International Symposium on Wearable and Rehabilitation Robotics.