

Professors Emeriti and Others


J.D. Trout, PhD

Title/s:  Professor Emeritus

Email: jtrout@luc.edu

External Webpage:


J.D. Trout was a professor of philosophy and psychology at Loyola University in Chicago. He has held fellowships from the National Science Foundation, Mellon Foundation, and National Endowment for the Humanities. Before arriving at Loyola, he taught at Bryn Mawr College and Virginia Tech, and has visited at the University of Innsbruck and the University of Chicago.

J.D. works at the borders of philosophy of science, epistemology, and psychology, with occasional forays into public policy. His most recent book is The Empathy Gap: Building Bridges to the Good Life and the Good Society (Viking/Penguin, 2009). His previous books include Epistemology and the Psychology of Human Judgment (with Michael Bishop; Oxford University Press, 2005), Measuring the Intentional World (Oxford University Press, 1998), and The Theory of Knowledge (with Paul Moser and Dwayne Mulder; Oxford University Press, 1998). His articles have appeared in such journals as Philosophy of SciencePsychological ReviewNoûsBritish Journal for the Philosophy of Science, and Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

J.D. teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in epistemology and the philosophy of science, and regularly offers a cross-listed course (capped at 200 students) on the philosophy and psychology of decision-making.


Cornell University

Research Interests

Philosophy of science, epistemology, philosophy of psychology, philosophy of mind, and speech perception