

Amy Shuffelton, PhD


Amy Shuffelton is a Professor in the Philosophy Department.  She began her career at Loyola in the School of Education in 2012.  Previously, she was Assistant Professor of Education at the University of Wisconsin Whitewater (2007-2012).  She earned her PhD in Educational Policy Studies, with a focus in Philosophy of Education, at the University of Wisconsin in 2006.  She also holds an MA from that department (2001) and an AB from Harvard (1992). 

 Her primary areas of research are democracy and democratic education, feminism, and parental engagement in schools.  She is particularly interested in how family and schooling are understood in relation to one another in the modern era.  Her publications include several pieces about Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Emile as well as later responses and reconfigurations of family and education written by women, including Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley.  Whether or not her work is explicitly about John Dewey, she takes a Deweyan, Pragmatist approach to engaging philosophical texts with social inquiry.

 Amy Shuffelton is currently Editor-in-Chief of Studies in Philosophy and Education. She is co-editor of a new series from Bloomsbury Press, "Philosophy of Education in Practice".


University of Wisconsin Madison, PhD (2006)

University of Wisconsin Madison MA (2001)

Harvard College AB (1992)

Program Areas

Cultural and Educational Policy Studies

Professional/Community Affiliations

Philosophy of Education Society, Executive Director 2018-2023 and Program Chair 2024

Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Society, President 2022

Publications/Research Listings

Collaboration, Bloomsbury Press, 2023

Shuffelton, Amy and Kurt Stemhagen, “Democracy in Crisis and Education: Educating for Citizenship in the Age of Populism.” Educational Theory 70:6, December 2020.

Derek Gottlieb and Amy Shuffelton, “Liberal Attachments: Cultivating Civic Identifications.” Educational Theory 70:6, December 2020.

Shuffelton, Amy, “Opting Out and Opting In: Test Boycott and Parental Engagement in American Public Education.” Educational Theory  70:3, June 2020 .

Shuffelton, Amy, “Politics vs Knowledge: Risk, Responsibility and Parenthood in Chicago.” Comparative Education 56:3, 2020. 

Shuffelton, Amy, “The Monstrosity of Parental Involvement: Formation through reading in Shelley and Rousseau.” Philosophy of Education 2018.  

Shuffelton, Amy, “Collaboration: The Politics of Working Together.”  Educational Theory 68:2, April 2018: 147-160. 

Shuffelton, Amy,  “Rousseau, The Mechanized Clock, and Children’s Time.” Journal of Philosophy of Education 51 no 4, November 2017: 837-849.  

Shuffelton, Amy, “Parental Involvement and Public Schools: Disappearing Mothers in Labor and Politics.” Studies in Philosophy And Education, January 2017: 21-32.  

Shuffelton, Amy, “Consider Your Man Card Reissued: Masculine Honor and Gun Violence.” Educational Theory 65: 4, August 2015: 387-403.