

David B. Ingram, PhD


David Ingram is Professor of Philosophy at Loyola University. His MA and PhD degrees in philosophy are from the University of California at San Diego. He has taught at Loyola since 1987, before which time he taught at the University of Northern Iowa.

Ingram's areas of specialization are social and political philosophy, philosophy of law, philosophy of social science, critical race theory, and contemporary German and French philosophy. His publications include Habermas and the Dialectic of Reason (1987), Critical Theory and Philosophy (1990), a companion anthology Critical Theory: The Essential Readings (1991), Reason, History, and Politics (1995), Group Rights: Reconciling Equality and Difference (2000), an anthology The Political: Readings in Continental Philosophy (2001), The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ethics, co-author Jennifer Parks (2002; 2nd Revised Edition, 2010), Rights, Democracy, and Fulfillment in the Era of Identity Politics: Principled Compromises in a Compromised World(2004), Habermas: Introduction and Analysis (2010), Law: Key Concepts in Philosophy (2006), and (editor) Critical Theory to Structuralism: Philosophy, Politics and the Human Sciences: Volume Five of the History of Continental Philosophy (Acumen, 2010), as well as numerous scholarly articles. For further information and a list of his publications, see Professor Ingram's .


University of California, San Diego

Research Interests

Philosophical Hermeneutics and Critical Theory; Habermas, Foucault, Lyotard, Arendt; Anglo-American political philosophy; philosophy of law and human rights; philosophy of social science; critical race theory, and Anglo-American feminism.

Publications/Research Listings


World Crisis and Underdevelopment: A Critical Theory of Poverty, Agency, and Coercion (Cambridge University Press, 2018).

The Ethics of Development: An Introduction; co-author Thomas Derdak (Routledge Press, 2018).

Habermas: Introduction and Analysis (Cornell University Press, 2010). Southeast Asian edition: Rawat Publications, 2014.

Law: Key Concepts in Philosophy. London: Continuum Int’l Publishing Group, 2006. Portuguese translation: Filosofia do Direito: Conceitos Chave em Filosfia, trans. José Alexandre Durry Guerzoni. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2010.

Rights, Democracy, and Fulfillment in the Era of Identity Politics: Principled Compromises in a Compromised World  (Rowman and Littlefield, 2004).

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Ethics; co-author Jennifer Parks (Pearson MacMillan, 2002). 2nd Revised Edition 2010.  Polish translation: Etyka dla Zoltodziobow, Robert Bartold, trans., Wrzesien: Rebis, 2003. 2nd Revised Edition, 2010. Latvian translation: Celvedis Etika.  Riga: Dienas Gramata, 2011.

Group Rights: Reconciling Equality and Difference (University Press of Kansas,  2000).

Reason, History and Politics: The Communitarian Grounds of Legitimation in the Modern Age ( State University of New York Press, 1995).

Critical Theory and Philosophy  (Paragon House Publishers, 1990).

Habermas and the Dialectic of Reason.  (Yale University Press, 1987)  Portuguese translation: Habermas e a dialectica da razao, Sergio Bath, trans.  Editora Universidade de Bresilia, 1993. 

Ed. The History of Continental Philosophy, Volume 5: Critical Theory to Structuralism: Philosophy, Politics, and the Human Sciences (University of Chicago/Acumen/Routledge 2010-2014). 

Ed. The Political: Readings in Continental Philosophy (Basil Blackwell, 2002).

Ed. Critical Theory: The Essential Readings; co-editor Julia Simon (Paragon House Publishers, 1991).



 “Cosmopolitanism, International Development, and Human Rights,” co-authors J. Chamberlain and K. Hockmuth, in Capitalism, Democracy, Socialism: Critical Debates. Eds A. Azmanova and J. Chamberlain. Springer, 2023, pp. 147-70.

“The Role of Recognition in Kelsen’s Account of Legal Obligation,” in The Austrian Journal for Political Science. Special Edition: Kelsen, Politics, and Realism (Guest editor, Robert, Scheutt). 51/3 (2022): 52-61.

“What an Ethics of Discourse and Recognition Can Contribute to a Critical Theory of Refugee Claim Adjudication: Reclaiming Epistemic Justice for Gender-based Asylum Seekers,”  Migration, Recognition, and Critical Theory, ed. G. Schweiger. Springer 2021: 19-46.

“Recognition and Positive Freedom,” Positive Liberty: Past, Present, and Future, ed. John Christman. Cambridge University Press (2022).

“When Microcredit Doesn’t Empower Poor Women: Recognition Theory’s Contribution to the Debate Over Adaptive Preferences,” Poverty and Recognition, ed. Gottfried Schweiger. Springer (2020), Chapter 10.

“Contesting the Public Sphere Within and Against Critical Theory,” Cambridge History of Modern European Thought, eds. Peter E. Gordon and Warren Breckman (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019), Chapter 20.

 “Mediating the Theory and Practice of Human Rights in Morality and Law,” in Johan Karlsson Schaffer & Reidar Maliks (eds.), Moral and Political Approaches to Human Rights: Implications for Theory and Practice (Cambridge University Press, 2017), pp. 97-124.  



“Rights and Privileges: Marx and the Jewish Question,” Studies in Soviet Thought, no. 35 (February 1988), pp. 43-63.

“The Postmodern Kantianism of Arendt and Lyotard, Review of Metaphysics, no. 41 (October 1988), pp. 51-77. 

“The Limits and Possibilities of Communicative Ethics for Democratic Theory, “ Political Theory, vol. 21, no. 2  (May, 1993), pp. 294-321.

“Between Political Liberalism and Post-National Cosmopolitanism: Toward an Alternative Theory of Human Rights,” in Political Theory 31/3 (June 2003): 359-91.

“Foucault and Habermas,” The Foucault Companion (second and revised edition), ed. G. Gutting (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), pp. 240-83.