

Visiting Scholars

The Visiting Scholar Program brings senior scholars from around the world to Loyola to engage in research on issues of concern to women and leadership. The primary purpose of the program is to provide research support for a senior scholar conducting research on women and leadership. The scholar's research residency can vary from one month to an entire year. The Visiting Scholar is awarded an office within the Gannon Center, a computer and internet access, library privileges and the friendly support of a community of scholars. The Gannon Center's Chicago location on the Lake Shore Campus of Loyola offers easy access to public transportation for research work in notable libraries and archives in the area as well as exceptional cultural opportunities within metropolitan Chicago. The Center is also home to the Women and Leadership Archives which has a growing collection which is of interest to many scholars.

The Visiting Scholar will share her research with members of the University community through a formal presentation sometime during her stay at the Center. She is welcome to attend all events connected with the Center and the University.

There are no stipends or housing arrangements attached to the program at this time.

The Visiting Scholar Program brings senior scholars from around the world to Loyola to engage in research on issues of concern to women and leadership. The primary purpose of the program is to provide research support for a senior scholar conducting research on women and leadership. The scholar's research residency can vary from one month to an entire year. The Visiting Scholar is awarded an office within the Gannon Center, a computer and internet access, library privileges and the friendly support of a community of scholars. The Gannon Center's Chicago location on the Lake Shore Campus of Loyola offers easy access to public transportation for research work in notable libraries and archives in the area as well as exceptional cultural opportunities within metropolitan Chicago. The Center is also home to the Women and Leadership Archives which has a growing collection which is of interest to many scholars.

The Visiting Scholar will share her research with members of the University community through a formal presentation sometime during her stay at the Center. She is welcome to attend all events connected with the Center and the University.

There are no stipends or housing arrangements attached to the program at this time.