Faculty Directory
Department of Modern Languages and Literature
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
David Beltrán | Director, Latin American & Latino Studies Lecturer |
Crown Center 206 | 773.508.2861 dbeltran@luc.edu |
Dr. Clara Burgo | Associate Professor
Spanish Undergraduate Program Director |
Crown Center 217B | (773) 508-8296 cburgo@luc.edu |
Dr. Héctor García Chávez | Director of Graduate Program in Women’s Studies and Gender Studies Senior Lecturer of Spanish |
Crown Center 109 | 773.508.2863 hgarci1@luc.edu |
Dr. Ana B. Rodríguez Navas | Associate Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture Hispanic Studies Graduate Program Director |
Crown Center 468 | 773.508.2171 arodrigueznavas@luc.edu |
Dr. Natalia Valencia | Advanced Lecturer | Crown Center 467 | 773.508.3947 nvalencia@luc.edu |
Department of Anthropology
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Dr. Ruth Gomberg | Professor Director, Fellowship Office |
BVM 711, Lake Shore Campus | (773) 508-3582 rgomberg@luc.edu |
Dr. Christopher Hernández | Assistant Professor | BVM 703, Lake Shore Campus | 773.508.3475 chernandez25@luc.edu |
Dr. Benjamin Penglase | Associate Professor | BVM 701, Lake Shore Campus | 773.508.3430 Bpengla@luc.edu |
Department of English
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Suzanne Bost | Professor Affiliate in Women’s Studies and Gender Studies |
Crown Center 429 | 88470 sbost@luc.edu |
School of Social Work
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Maria Vidal de Haymes, PhD | Professor
Director, Center for Immigrant & Refugee Accompaniment (CIRA) Director of the Practice in Social Work Migration Studies Sub-Specialization |
Maguire Hall 564 | 312.915.7020 mvidal@luc.edu |
School of Communication
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Elizabeth Lozano, Ph.D. | Program Director Communication Studies; Associate Professor |
Lewis Towers 905 | 312.915.7768 elozano@luc.edu |
Department of Political Science
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Patrick Cunha Silva, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor | pcunhasilva@luc.edu | |
Megan Sholar, Ph.D. | Lecturer | Campion Hall 131 | 773.508.2692 msholar@luc.edu |
Department of History
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Benjamin Johnson, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Crown Center 544 | 773.508.3082 bjohnson25@luc.edu |
Victor Padilla | Part-Time Faculty | Crown Center 537 | vpadilla@luc.edu |
School of Education
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Dr. Kate Phillipo | Assistant Professor | Lewis Towers 1038, WTC | 312.915.6910 kphillippo@luc.edu |
Department of Sociology
Name | Title | Office # | Phone/E-mail |
Cristian Paredes, Ph.D. | Associate Professor | Coffey Hall 430 | 773.508.3460 cparedes@luc.edu |