
Now With Thanksgiving - female voice

Now With Thanksgiving - female voice

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Now with Thanksgiving
Irish Folk Tune
Text by Borghild Jacboson

Sung on this track by the TEAL cantor.

Now with Thanksgiving we bring on this day
Our praise to the Father, who formed us of clay,
Whose breath of creation, our spirits to fill,
Refashioned our loving to live by His will.

May our hosannas returning above
Bring joy to the Blessed who brought us our love,
May we to each other in gratitude give
New psalms of thanksgiving in lives that we live.

Now With Thanksgiving - female voice

Click here to listen to this track

Now with Thanksgiving
Irish Folk Tune
Text by Borghild Jacboson

Sung on this track by the TEAL cantor.

Now with Thanksgiving we bring on this day
Our praise to the Father, who formed us of clay,
Whose breath of creation, our spirits to fill,
Refashioned our loving to live by His will.

May our hosannas returning above
Bring joy to the Blessed who brought us our love,
May we to each other in gratitude give
New psalms of thanksgiving in lives that we live.