The Radiation Safety Committee advises the University administration on specific needs and policies in all areas of radiation protection and usage, and has the responsibility and authority to approve, disapprove, modify, suspend, or terminate authorization for the use of radioactive material. The Radiation Safety Committee is composed of the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), a representative from University administration, and two or more faculty members from the Natural Science Division. Additional members of the University community may be appointed at the Committee’s discretion.
The Radiation Safety Committee reviews, evaluates, and approves or rejects individual applications for the use of radioactive material. The completed application includes the applicant’s training and experience , a written description of the laboratory facilities and equipment, and an outline of experimental protocols that describe the type and quantity of radionuclide to be used, and the nature of its use and disposal. Because, the review of facilities includes an assessment of the adequacy of provisions for security, ease of decontamination, waste storage, contamination prevention, ventilation and shielding, applicants must address these issues.
Requests for Authorization to use radionuclides should be submitted directly to the RSO. The RSO interviews new applicants, independently reviews each new application, and makes recommendations to the Committee. In cases where an existing Authorized User submits an application to use a new radionuclide, the RSO may give temporary approval if the new use does not represent a significant change in the level of hazard in the laboratory. Where an increase in possession limit is applied for, the RSO may grant approval without Radiation Committee action.
Authorizations are valid for five calendar years. User authorizations are re-evaluated and re-issued upon approval by the Committee.
To expedite review, requests for authorization may be circulated by the RSO to the Committee members using campus mail or electronically. Approval, whether by return mail, email, or at a regularly scheduled Committee meeting, will require an affirmative vote by 2/3 of the total Committee membership and must include the RSO and the Chairman of the Radiation Safety Committee.
The committee is also responsible for the following:
- Monitoring of the ALARA program
- Review of personnel exposures
- Review of unusual events and remedial actions
- Review of changes to policies, rules or decisions by the RSO
- Audit of RSO and Radiation Safety Staff performance
The committee will meet at least once in each calendar quarter. A quorum shall consist of the Chairman of the Committee, the RSO and at least two other members. Copies of the Committee minutes and records of Committee action are maintained by the RSO.
Per Loyola University policy, the RSO must be a full-time employee of ²ÝÝ®ÉçÇø. The RSO for the activities authorized by this license is Eli Port. The RSO’s responsibilities include:
- Assuring that only material authorized by the license is possessed
- Assuring that only individuals authorized by the license use the licensed material
- Assuring that all personnel working in laboratories in which radionuclides are present receive training in proper radiation protection practices
- Assuring that regular, and, whenever necessary, unscheduled, radiation surveys are conducted and that records of all surveys are maintained, including summaries of any corrective measures recommended and/or instituted
- Assuring that dosimeters are used where required and are analyzed at required intervals, and that records are kept of dosimetry results
- Assuring that postings are properly located
- Investigating each known or suspected case of excessive or abnormal exposure to determine the cause and taking necessary corrective action to prevent recurrence.
- Restricting or suspending use and/or possession of radioactive materials whenever a significant deviation from established guidelines and procedures has occurred. Such deviation of use shall include any threat to health or property.
- Assuring that the proper authorities (e.g., IDNS, local police, or the U.S. Department of Transportation.) are notified promptly in case of accident, damage, theft, or loss of licensed material
- Maintaining all records and documents necessary and/or required for the licensed acquisition and use of radionuclides
- Assuring that the terms and conditions of the license are met and that the required records (such as personnel exposure, accountability, etc.) are maintained and reviewed for compliance with Department regulations and license conditions
- Assuring that all policies and rules governing the use of radionuclides on the ²ÝÝ®ÉçÇø Lakeshore Campus are followed and regularly reviewed and updated in accordance with the requirements in 32 IAC 340.110. Records of program audits shall be maintained on-site pursuant to 32 IAC 340.1120
If the RSO is not available for an extended period of time, the RSO, in consultation with the Radiation Safety Committee, will appoint in writing an Acting RSO who will temporarily assume all the duties of the RSO. Upon the RSO's return, the RSO shall review with the Acting RSO records generated during the RSO’s absence.
The RSO and the Radiation Safety Committee report to the Associate Provost for Research.
Authorized Users are approved by the Radiation Safety Committee for the possession and prescribed use of specific quantities of radionuclides. Authorized Users shall meet the training and experience requirements listed in Section V: Personnel Training Program, subpart B.
The sum of authorizations of individual users must be less than the institutional possession limit for that radionuclide. The institutional possession limit and the individual possession limits are contained in a data management system that is maintained by the Office of Research Services (ORS).
Authorized Users are audited by the RSO during surveys, when the items and activities below are examined as a part of the survey. Audits are conducted either by the RSO or by a health physicist working on behalf of the RSO.
Audits contain the following items:
- Adherence to Rules of Hot Lab Conduct
- Contamination control effects
- Completion of training for individuals who have been present
- Material control and security
Items of deviation are recorded on the survey report. Major deficiencies are reported directly to the RSO as a separate document.
Radiation Safety Manual Main Page
The Radiation Safety Committee advises the University administration on specific needs and policies in all areas of radiation protection and usage, and has the responsibility and authority to approve, disapprove, modify, suspend, or terminate authorization for the use of radioactive material. The Radiation Safety Committee is composed of the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO), a representative from University administration, and two or more faculty members from the Natural Science Division. Additional members of the University community may be appointed at the Committee’s discretion.
The Radiation Safety Committee reviews, evaluates, and approves or rejects individual applications for the use of radioactive material. The completed application includes the applicant’s training and experience , a written description of the laboratory facilities and equipment, and an outline of experimental protocols that describe the type and quantity of radionuclide to be used, and the nature of its use and disposal. Because, the review of facilities includes an assessment of the adequacy of provisions for security, ease of decontamination, waste storage, contamination prevention, ventilation and shielding, applicants must address these issues.
Requests for Authorization to use radionuclides should be submitted directly to the RSO. The RSO interviews new applicants, independently reviews each new application, and makes recommendations to the Committee. In cases where an existing Authorized User submits an application to use a new radionuclide, the RSO may give temporary approval if the new use does not represent a significant change in the level of hazard in the laboratory. Where an increase in possession limit is applied for, the RSO may grant approval without Radiation Committee action.
Authorizations are valid for five calendar years. User authorizations are re-evaluated and re-issued upon approval by the Committee.
To expedite review, requests for authorization may be circulated by the RSO to the Committee members using campus mail or electronically. Approval, whether by return mail, email, or at a regularly scheduled Committee meeting, will require an affirmative vote by 2/3 of the total Committee membership and must include the RSO and the Chairman of the Radiation Safety Committee.
The committee is also responsible for the following:
- Monitoring of the ALARA program
- Review of personnel exposures
- Review of unusual events and remedial actions
- Review of changes to policies, rules or decisions by the RSO
- Audit of RSO and Radiation Safety Staff performance
The committee will meet at least once in each calendar quarter. A quorum shall consist of the Chairman of the Committee, the RSO and at least two other members. Copies of the Committee minutes and records of Committee action are maintained by the RSO.
Per Loyola University policy, the RSO must be a full-time employee of ²ÝÝ®ÉçÇø. The RSO for the activities authorized by this license is Eli Port. The RSO’s responsibilities include:
- Assuring that only material authorized by the license is possessed
- Assuring that only individuals authorized by the license use the licensed material
- Assuring that all personnel working in laboratories in which radionuclides are present receive training in proper radiation protection practices
- Assuring that regular, and, whenever necessary, unscheduled, radiation surveys are conducted and that records of all surveys are maintained, including summaries of any corrective measures recommended and/or instituted
- Assuring that dosimeters are used where required and are analyzed at required intervals, and that records are kept of dosimetry results
- Assuring that postings are properly located
- Investigating each known or suspected case of excessive or abnormal exposure to determine the cause and taking necessary corrective action to prevent recurrence.
- Restricting or suspending use and/or possession of radioactive materials whenever a significant deviation from established guidelines and procedures has occurred. Such deviation of use shall include any threat to health or property.
- Assuring that the proper authorities (e.g., IDNS, local police, or the U.S. Department of Transportation.) are notified promptly in case of accident, damage, theft, or loss of licensed material
- Maintaining all records and documents necessary and/or required for the licensed acquisition and use of radionuclides
- Assuring that the terms and conditions of the license are met and that the required records (such as personnel exposure, accountability, etc.) are maintained and reviewed for compliance with Department regulations and license conditions
- Assuring that all policies and rules governing the use of radionuclides on the ²ÝÝ®ÉçÇø Lakeshore Campus are followed and regularly reviewed and updated in accordance with the requirements in 32 IAC 340.110. Records of program audits shall be maintained on-site pursuant to 32 IAC 340.1120
If the RSO is not available for an extended period of time, the RSO, in consultation with the Radiation Safety Committee, will appoint in writing an Acting RSO who will temporarily assume all the duties of the RSO. Upon the RSO's return, the RSO shall review with the Acting RSO records generated during the RSO’s absence.
The RSO and the Radiation Safety Committee report to the Associate Provost for Research.
Authorized Users are approved by the Radiation Safety Committee for the possession and prescribed use of specific quantities of radionuclides. Authorized Users shall meet the training and experience requirements listed in Section V: Personnel Training Program, subpart B.
The sum of authorizations of individual users must be less than the institutional possession limit for that radionuclide. The institutional possession limit and the individual possession limits are contained in a data management system that is maintained by the Office of Research Services (ORS).
Authorized Users are audited by the RSO during surveys, when the items and activities below are examined as a part of the survey. Audits are conducted either by the RSO or by a health physicist working on behalf of the RSO.
Audits contain the following items:
- Adherence to Rules of Hot Lab Conduct
- Contamination control effects
- Completion of training for individuals who have been present
- Material control and security
Items of deviation are recorded on the survey report. Major deficiencies are reported directly to the RSO as a separate document.
Radiation Safety Manual Main Page