

Science Links

Astronomy Sites

  • The website is one of the best, most comprehensive and frequently updated of all astronomy sites on the web.
  • The website has a very good array of classroom demonstrations and workshop ideas for teachers interested in astronomy education. This site also has some of the best astronomy and astronomy education sites on the web.
  • Follow the progress of the at this site provided by NASA.
  • provides updates on recent developments in astronomy and has an excellent online interactive sky chart.
  • 's website provides links to information on space missions, space science news and has very nice offerings for students and educators.
  • is the most comprehensive and up-to-date site containing information on the rapidly growing field of discovering extrasolar planets, i.e., planets orbiting other stars in the galaxy.

Earth Science & Geology Sites

  • This wonderful site from Discovery Kids has excellent information regarding 
  • An excellent description of the basics of the theory of plate tectonics comes from .
  • Teachers interested in classroom activities that demonstrate plate tectonics should be sure to visit the demonstration page from the Univ. of North Dakota site listed above.

Weather Sites

  • Click  for the current North American weather map.
  •  is an excellent source for tracking tropical storms and hurricanes.
  •  provides an excellent site containing almost everything you could ask about hurricanes.
  •  is a first rate compendium of explanations, graphics, animations and resources to explain important meteorological events and concepts. Highly recommended for students in any weather course and anyone wishing to understand the physics behind weather phenomena.
  •  gives links to over 300 weather sites.
  •  are available from the University of Wisconsin site. You can choose from a variety of either surface or upper air maps. From the main page, click on "current observation maps", then on either "surface" or "upper air maps."
  • A very nice set of surface and upper air maps are available from the  site.
  •  is provided here for those with a more classical bent.


Astronomy Sites

  • The website is one of the best, most comprehensive and frequently updated of all astronomy sites on the web.
  • The website has a very good array of classroom demonstrations and workshop ideas for teachers interested in astronomy education. This site also has some of the best astronomy and astronomy education sites on the web.
  • Follow the progress of the at this site provided by NASA.
  • provides updates on recent developments in astronomy and has an excellent online interactive sky chart.
  • 's website provides links to information on space missions, space science news and has very nice offerings for students and educators.
  • is the most comprehensive and up-to-date site containing information on the rapidly growing field of discovering extrasolar planets, i.e., planets orbiting other stars in the galaxy.

Earth Science & Geology Sites

  • This wonderful site from Discovery Kids has excellent information regarding 
  • An excellent description of the basics of the theory of plate tectonics comes from .
  • Teachers interested in classroom activities that demonstrate plate tectonics should be sure to visit the demonstration page from the Univ. of North Dakota site listed above.

Weather Sites

  • Click  for the current North American weather map.
  •  is an excellent source for tracking tropical storms and hurricanes.
  •  provides an excellent site containing almost everything you could ask about hurricanes.
  •  is a first rate compendium of explanations, graphics, animations and resources to explain important meteorological events and concepts. Highly recommended for students in any weather course and anyone wishing to understand the physics behind weather phenomena.
  •  gives links to over 300 weather sites.
  •  are available from the University of Wisconsin site. You can choose from a variety of either surface or upper air maps. From the main page, click on "current observation maps", then on either "surface" or "upper air maps."
  • A very nice set of surface and upper air maps are available from the  site.
  •  is provided here for those with a more classical bent.