
Faculty Profile


Alexandru V. Grigorescu

Title/s:  Professor
Director, Center for Research on International Affairs

Specialty Area: International Relations

Office #:  Coffey Hall 312

Phone: 773.508.3059

Email: agrigor@luc.edu

CV Link: Grigorescu CV 2024

External Webpage:


Professor Grigorescu's research and teaching focuses on international relations. He teaches courses on international organization, globalization, international relations theory, the United Nations system and international human rights. His work on international organizations and their impact on domestic politics has been published in journals such as International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Global Governance, Review of International Organizations, and World Politics. He is also the author of Democratic Intergovernmental Organizations? Normative Pressures and Decision-Making Rules (Cambridge University Press, 2015), The Ebb and Flow of Global Governance: Intergovernmentalism vs. Nongovernmentalism in World Politics (Cambridge University Press, 2020), Restraining Power through Institutions: A Unifying Theme for Domestic and International Politics (Oxford University Press, 2023) and, with Claudio Katz, Lockean Liberalism in International Relations (Cambridge University Press, 2024). 


PhD, University of Pittsburgh, 2002