

Dual JD/MA Degree Program In Law And Political Science

The dual JD/MA program permits students enrolled in Loyola’s Law School to complete both a JD degree and an MA in Political Science in a shorter period of time than if both programs were pursued separately.  Students typically complete the joint program in 4 years, as opposed to the typical 5 years for the individual programs. 

Degree Outcomes and Professional Success 

The dual JD/MA in Political Science offers students:

  • Specialized training appropriate for careers in the public sector or for law practices involving administrative agencies or processes, by combining the study of law with an exploration of the political context within which domestic and international legal systems operate
  • An overview of the theories and scholarly literature devoted to four major Political Science subfields:
    • American Politics (study of U.S. institutions and political processes).
    • Comparative Politics (study of political processes in various regions of the world, such as Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East).
    • International Relations (study of global processes throughout the international system).
    • Political Theory (study of political philosophy ranging from Ancient to Modern and Contemporary political thought).
  • Methods training, including research design and statistical analysis, that will enable the successful candidate to effectively design and conduct research.
  • Enhanced ability to express their thoughts in writing (all Political Science graduate classes include a significant writing component).
  • The ability to pursue careers in politics, government, international affairs, law, the non-profit world, journalism, business, education, social services, and other professions, as well as for further graduate (PhD) study at professional schools and institutions of higher learning, both in the U.S. and abroad.

We also encourage our BA/MA students to take advantage of additional learning opportunities:

  • Advanced methodological training
  • Advanced language training/proficiency in a language other than English
  • Advanced research skills
  • International, cross-cultural experience
  • Professional development and experience
  • Networking opportunities

How does this program work?

Student interested in this program must apply to the Loyola University Law School under the dual JD/MA in political science program. If accepted by the Law School, the student will them be automatically accepted into the political science MA program. Students must then satisfy the academic requirements of the School of Law for the JD degree and the academic requirements of the Department of Political Science for the MA degree. The Department of Political Science will accept four Law School courses to complete the 30 credit hour MA requirements and the Law School will accept three Political Science courses for the JD degree.

For further information, please contact Professor Eric Hansen, Graduate Program Director for Political Science, at ehansen4@luc.edu or 773.508.3053.


The dual JD/MA program permits students enrolled in Loyola’s Law School to complete both a JD degree and an MA in Political Science in a shorter period of time than if both programs were pursued separately.  Students typically complete the joint program in 4 years, as opposed to the typical 5 years for the individual programs. 

Degree Outcomes and Professional Success 

The dual JD/MA in Political Science offers students:

  • Specialized training appropriate for careers in the public sector or for law practices involving administrative agencies or processes, by combining the study of law with an exploration of the political context within which domestic and international legal systems operate
  • An overview of the theories and scholarly literature devoted to four major Political Science subfields:
    • American Politics (study of U.S. institutions and political processes).
    • Comparative Politics (study of political processes in various regions of the world, such as Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East).
    • International Relations (study of global processes throughout the international system).
    • Political Theory (study of political philosophy ranging from Ancient to Modern and Contemporary political thought).
  • Methods training, including research design and statistical analysis, that will enable the successful candidate to effectively design and conduct research.
  • Enhanced ability to express their thoughts in writing (all Political Science graduate classes include a significant writing component).
  • The ability to pursue careers in politics, government, international affairs, law, the non-profit world, journalism, business, education, social services, and other professions, as well as for further graduate (PhD) study at professional schools and institutions of higher learning, both in the U.S. and abroad.

We also encourage our BA/MA students to take advantage of additional learning opportunities:

  • Advanced methodological training
  • Advanced language training/proficiency in a language other than English
  • Advanced research skills
  • International, cross-cultural experience
  • Professional development and experience
  • Networking opportunities

How does this program work?

Student interested in this program must apply to the Loyola University Law School under the dual JD/MA in political science program. If accepted by the Law School, the student will them be automatically accepted into the political science MA program. Students must then satisfy the academic requirements of the School of Law for the JD degree and the academic requirements of the Department of Political Science for the MA degree. The Department of Political Science will accept four Law School courses to complete the 30 credit hour MA requirements and the Law School will accept three Political Science courses for the JD degree.

For further information, please contact Professor Eric Hansen, Graduate Program Director for Political Science, at ehansen4@luc.edu or 773.508.3053.