Faculty Profile

Raymond Tatalovich
Title/s: Professor Emeritus
Specialty Area: American Politics
Email: rtatalo@luc.edu
CV Link: Tatalovich_Website_V.doc
Professor Tatalovich's teaching and research interests include the American government, the presidency and executive branch, public policy analysis with an emphasis on moral conflicts, and Congress as well as Canadian Politics. His three co-edited books include Moral Controversies in American Politics (2005),and he also co-authored four more including The Modern Presidency and Economic Policy and a presidency text, To Govern a Nation: Presidential Power and Politics (1998), as well as being the sole author of two scholarly works: Nativism Reborn? The Official English Language Movement and the American States and The Politics of Abortion in the United States and Canada (1997). His most recent co-authored books are Cultures at War: Moral Controversies in Western Democracies (2003) and The Presidency and Political Science: Two Hundred Years of Constitutional Debate (2003). Professor Tatalovich has also authored or collaborated on more than fifty chapters, monographs, and scholarly articles in such publications as the The Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Social Science Quarterly, Polity, American Politics Quarterly, Women & Politics, and Presidential Studies Quarterly.
PhD, University of Chicago, 1971