

Warm Weather Tips

  • Do not leave windows open for ventilation. Many intruders enter through unsecured windows, even windows on upper floors. If you need to open windows for ventilation, install locks that will secure windows in a slightly open position. 

  • While on vacation, make sure that you stop mail delivery, and ask a neighbor to remove any flyers, newspapers, and other items that might accumulate while you are away. Use timers to turn lights on and off, and set radios to turn on at various times. Leave a contact number with a neighbor so that you can be reached in case of an emergency. 

  • When securing your bicycle, be sure to secure the frame and at least one wheel to a permanent, fixed object(securing both wheels is preferable). Use a high quality U-lock. Park your bike in a highly visible area. Register your bike with the Chicago Police Department on-line at  and search for "bicycle registration". 

  • Never leave valuables in plain sight inside your vehicle. Be sure to lock them in the trunk. Never, ever leave children or pets inside a car. An 80 degree day can quickly produce temperatures of 120 degrees or more inside a vehicle, even when parked in the shade or with windows partially open. 

  • When the weather gets warm, check on older and isolated neighbors. 

  • Always travel on well lit, well populated streets. Always travel in groups. Remain alert to your surroundings. Never wear headphones while walking or jogging. 

  • At a bar or party, always go with a friend and watch out for each other. If you have to step away from your drink for a moment, have your friend watch it for you. If your drink has been left alone even for a moment, discard it and order a new one. Remember, date rape drugs are odorless, colorless, and tasteless.
  • Do not leave windows open for ventilation. Many intruders enter through unsecured windows, even windows on upper floors. If you need to open windows for ventilation, install locks that will secure windows in a slightly open position. 

  • While on vacation, make sure that you stop mail delivery, and ask a neighbor to remove any flyers, newspapers, and other items that might accumulate while you are away. Use timers to turn lights on and off, and set radios to turn on at various times. Leave a contact number with a neighbor so that you can be reached in case of an emergency. 

  • When securing your bicycle, be sure to secure the frame and at least one wheel to a permanent, fixed object(securing both wheels is preferable). Use a high quality U-lock. Park your bike in a highly visible area. Register your bike with the Chicago Police Department on-line at  and search for "bicycle registration". 

  • Never leave valuables in plain sight inside your vehicle. Be sure to lock them in the trunk. Never, ever leave children or pets inside a car. An 80 degree day can quickly produce temperatures of 120 degrees or more inside a vehicle, even when parked in the shade or with windows partially open. 

  • When the weather gets warm, check on older and isolated neighbors. 

  • Always travel on well lit, well populated streets. Always travel in groups. Remain alert to your surroundings. Never wear headphones while walking or jogging. 

  • At a bar or party, always go with a friend and watch out for each other. If you have to step away from your drink for a moment, have your friend watch it for you. If your drink has been left alone even for a moment, discard it and order a new one. Remember, date rape drugs are odorless, colorless, and tasteless.