


Political Science is the most popular major for Loyola's pre-law students. About one-half of Political Science graduates go on to earn a law degree.

Pre-law courses are offered each semester by full-time faculty and attorney-lecturers with real-world legal experience. Political Science faculty have published numerous books and articles on legal issues in law reviews and scholarly presses.

The Political Science Department regularly offers 8 different pre-law courses:

  • Introduction to Law (PLSC 385)
  • Constitutional Law: Due Process (PLSC 320)
  • Constitutional Law: Powers of Government (PLSC 321)
  • Constitutional Law: Rights and Liberties (PLSC 322)
  • The Judicial Process (PLSC 384)
  • International Law (PLSC 353)
  • Women, Law, and Public Policy (PLSC 319)
  • Children, Law, and Public Policy(PLSC 323)

The Political Science Department administers an extensive internship program, with many law-related placements in Chicago and neighboring communities. Students earn course credit while working in private law firms, the District Attorney's Office, the State's Attorney's Office, the Public Defender's Office, and dozens of other government agencies, businesses, and non-profit organizations.

Loyola's top Political Science graduates have earned admission to the nation's most prestigious law schools, including Stanford, Berkeley, Columbia, University of Chicago, Georgetown, Notre Dame, University of Michigan, Boston University, University of Illinois, Washington University in St. Louis, and Northwestern.

Many of Loyola's Political Science graduates now work as attorneys in private practice or government service, in Illinois and throughout the country. Some specialize in corporate, tax, personal injury, malpractice, and criminal defense law. Others work in the various units of the State's Attorney's Office, including Gang Crimes, Child Protection, and Consumer Fraud. Still others have entered business or politics.

Loyola has an extensive pre-law advising program. For more information, visit the Pre-Law Advising website.

Political Science is the most popular major for Loyola's pre-law students. About one-half of Political Science graduates go on to earn a law degree.

Pre-law courses are offered each semester by full-time faculty and attorney-lecturers with real-world legal experience. Political Science faculty have published numerous books and articles on legal issues in law reviews and scholarly presses.

The Political Science Department regularly offers 8 different pre-law courses:

  • Introduction to Law (PLSC 385)
  • Constitutional Law: Due Process (PLSC 320)
  • Constitutional Law: Powers of Government (PLSC 321)
  • Constitutional Law: Rights and Liberties (PLSC 322)
  • The Judicial Process (PLSC 384)
  • International Law (PLSC 353)
  • Women, Law, and Public Policy (PLSC 319)
  • Children, Law, and Public Policy(PLSC 323)

The Political Science Department administers an extensive internship program, with many law-related placements in Chicago and neighboring communities. Students earn course credit while working in private law firms, the District Attorney's Office, the State's Attorney's Office, the Public Defender's Office, and dozens of other government agencies, businesses, and non-profit organizations.

Loyola's top Political Science graduates have earned admission to the nation's most prestigious law schools, including Stanford, Berkeley, Columbia, University of Chicago, Georgetown, Notre Dame, University of Michigan, Boston University, University of Illinois, Washington University in St. Louis, and Northwestern.

Many of Loyola's Political Science graduates now work as attorneys in private practice or government service, in Illinois and throughout the country. Some specialize in corporate, tax, personal injury, malpractice, and criminal defense law. Others work in the various units of the State's Attorney's Office, including Gang Crimes, Child Protection, and Consumer Fraud. Still others have entered business or politics.

Loyola has an extensive pre-law advising program. For more information, visit the Pre-Law Advising website.